Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mama's Got a New Pantry door!

I can't even describe how excited I was when I walked into our local restore and saw a thin french door sitting there for $20!  One of my all time favorite blogs is The Thrifty Decor Chick.  She has the most fantastic ideas and always makes me giggle.  Seriously in my little bloggy mind I totally pretend we are BFF's (keep it on the down low though, cause that's a little creepy).  I have long admired her beautiful house and longed for her oh so cute pantry door, I mean just look at her kitchen:

Isn't she just awesome (serious girl crush going on here).  So when I saw that lonely french door just sitting there the heaven's opened up and angels sang!  My house has zero trim other than baseboards so my pantry looks like (and is) a  hole in the wall.
Can you even see it beyond all the cuteness that is Mr. 8 as a little peanut!  sigh...time flies doesn't it?  I should have taken before pictures but in all my excitement I just ripped the bi-fold door right outa there!  We will have to make do with a 7 year old picture- on a side note, WOW, the carpet looked great back then, 3 kids and a horse of a dog have not been it's friend!

For about 4 weeks I lived with this delightful sight (darn you impulsiveness).  In reality my kids would never, and I mean never, close the pantry door so It wasn't that different of a view than I was used to. Yikes!  What dribbled down the back of there? shudder 

Step one: Empty pantry (and discover 4 year old expired rice-a-roni)
Step 2: Make front living room the new pantry:
Then came the fun part of ripping out all that wire shelving, which was a huge debate because the hubster felt the food should be able to, and I quote here, "breathe"...uh...what!?! Needless to say I won.  New trim and some cheap wood to act as brackets and a sheet of plywood for the shelves:
I also convinced him that we absolutely had to have a light in there.  I frequently receive this look:
but, he loves me sooooo....
The trickiest part was having to build a frame for the door since the bi-fold just sat in brackets with zero trim. Hello, hole in the wall.  The hubster and my sweet Dad took awhile scratching their heads and debating the best way to go about it, but they finally got it all figured out.
We finished it all off by painting everything a glossy white

All that work for one little pantry door, annnnnnnnd so worth it!!!

It gave the kitchen a more finished look and I'm in love!  I wish I had the guts to paint it black like TDC's, but baby steps, baby steps.

Linking up to:
Home Stories A2Z

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  1. OMG! I love it. It looks so good. Now I want one!


  2. A beautiful door -- so much nicer than the bifolds. I like the white trim with the white shelves.

  3. It looks great! What an incentive to keep your pantry tidy!

  4. Really nice-what a difference a door makes!! I'm your newest follower from TDC-stop by for a visit!

  5. Look great! I love that glass door. :)

  6. Pantry doors offer a touch of elegance and classiness to the kitchen. Some doors come with attached cabinet which serve dual purpose. I'm agree about this blog post about pantry doors.

  7. Oh, that's soo beautiful! White doors can make anything and everything look more organized. And it's good timing that you decided to replace your pantry door. Otherwise, you'd have discovered another bunch of expired goods. Haha!
